Training Tip: Steady Pressure

Steady Pressure

I would like to challenge you to improve your Porcupine Game. As Pat Parelli says, the Porcupine Game is the most “under-used” Game of the 7 Games! The nice thing about it is that you can practice it in tight spaces, such as your horse’s stall or paddock.

Teach your horse to yield the front end by pivoting with the hind end inside a hula hoop. If you don’t have a hula hoop handy just draw a circle into the shavings or bedding or ground! You may also use a rope to hold yourself and your horse accountable.

Start by aiming for a step or two with the hind end pivoting inside the hula hoop and build to two or more and all the way up to 360 degrees!

Then, do the same thing with the front end stationary inside a visible boundary and get to where you can yield the hindquarters 360 degrees.